Dear Colleagues, I am very excited and proud to announce that Biochemia Medica has been selected to be indexed in EMBASE/Excerpta Medica and Scopus, biomedical bibliographic databases. Indexing includes all articles published in 2006 and all future articles.
EMBASE is a comprehensive pharmacological and biomedical database with over 5,000 biomedical journals from 70 countries. EMBASE and Medline source title coverage overlaps by almost 80%, with EMBASE being more oriented towards European publications. Scopus is the largest abstract and citation multi-disciplinary database of research literature and quality web sources which covers over 12,850 academic journals. EMBASE and Scopus are both produced by Elsevier, the biggest scientific publisher in the world.
This is a great success and recognition of the dramatic change in the quality, contents and style of the Journal introduced this year by our new editorial team! Of course, a great part of this success is because of you, our authors, reviewers, Editorial Board and Editorial Council members. Special thanks to our subscribers and readers, who continue to give us useful feedback information. Thank you all for your contribution.
Our mission is not completed. There still remains a lot to do. We shall continue to be committed to maintaining and enhancing the quality of our Journal. To fulfill our mission and to achieve our goals we need an increased submission of high quality manuscripts. We hope to eventually be indexed in Medline and even some of the most selective bibliographic databases (Current Contents).
Summarized, being indexed in EMBASE and Scopus means a lot to Biochemia Medica. It makes the Journal visible to the whole international scientific community and it also guarantees constant improvement in the quality of papers published in the Journal.
On this special occasion, in this issue we bring an Editorial on the bibliographic databases and their relevance to the scientific publishing. The article’s author, Petra Gašparac, graduated from the Zagreb University School of Liberal Arts with a Bachelor degree in History, Comparative Literature and Library Science; now, she runs Central Library at the School of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, University of Zagreb, in Zagreb, Croatia.